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Research Project 3
June 2022
Pien Boekholtz
Juliet Klink
Rosa Noordzij
Extra Material
In this research trough design project the influence of a moving object for grabbing attention and provoke action is investigated. The goal of this research is to generate knowledge and gain insights about how a physical probe can stimulate interaction. For this research, a design fiction is tested in the context of food waste in shared student fridges. Different movements were created using Soma Design and explored in focus groups. It is explored whether a type of movement attracts positive attention to the probe itself without a specific function. The effects of physical appearances are investigated trough in-situ observations and semi-structured interviews. The qualitative results of this user study are clustered in different themes. Furthermore, this paper discusses implications of the research and provides a framework for how this research can continue over a longer period of time, the gained information can be used to research whether an attention grabbing physical probe can help create awareness for forgotten foods in the fridge.
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